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Shanghai blow molding process

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General Manager: Mr. Yuan

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addressNo. 191, Xiaoyuhe Road, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province



Blow molding (Blow Molding) is to extrude or inject into a cylindrical parison (Parison), insert it into the cavity, blow air inward to inflate, and then cool and solidify into a hollow product of a special shape.

One: Supply raw resin to the extruder. The resin supplied to the extruder is melted by the frictional heat of the screw and the surrounding temperature, and fed into the Die/Head of the extruder.

Two: The Die/Head outlet of the extruder is cylindrical, and the cylindrical extrusion is extruded from this outlet. This cylindrical extrusion is called a parison.

Three: Die/Head generally consists of 2 divided molds. The divided left and right molds have cavities that resemble the shape of the molded product, which are called cavities.

Four: After the parison is extruded to a suitable length at the Die outlet, put the parison into two separate cavities.

Five: Blow compressed air into the parison put into the cavity, so that the parison is inflated into the same shape as the cavity.

Six: After inflating the shape of the cavity, it is cooled in this state.

Seven: After the parison blown in the cavity is cooled to near normal temperature to make it solidify, the cavity is opened to take out the product.

Eight: Remove the unnecessary parts that stick to the product to complete the product molding.


关键词: 水壶,水壶价格,水壶制造商

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